
Loving Your Church by Praying, Giving, or Going

By Jim Essian, foreword by Joby Martin
from 4 reviews

Discover how to play your part in God’s great plan to build his church—whether by praying, giving or going.

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What would change if you saw where you live, what you do and who you are as part of God’s great plan to build his church? 

This book will show you that wherever and whoever you are, you are sent. Discover how to play your part in God’s plan of redemption—whether by praying, giving or going. And get excited about building a kingdom that is constantly expanding, scattering and sending for the sake of the lost.

Written by Jim Essian, Lead Pastor of The Paradox Church, Texas.

There are action steps and reflection questions at the end of every chapter. Additionally, you can find discussion questions at the back, which makes this resource ideal for small groups. (A PDF version of the discussion guide is also available.)

This book is part of the Love Your Church series, a collection of thoughtful and practical books that will inspire every church member with a biblical vision of what it means to be a local community of God’s family. Church members can explore together what it means to belong, to welcome, to gather, to care, to serve and to honour one another, and to witness and send people out to spread the gospel.

Product details


  • 1. God's Vision for the World

    2. God's Vision for Us

    3. Church Planting

    4. The Global God

    5. A Redemptive Presence

    6. Finding Your Place

    7. Gospel Goodbyes

    8. Dream Big



Contributors Jim Essian, Joby Martin
ISBN 9781802541014
Format Paperback
First published October 2024
Dimensions 129mm x 198mm x 8mm
Weight 0.17 kg
Language English
Pages 144
Publisher The Good Book Company

Matt Carter

Vice President of Mobilization, SEND Network

In Send, Jim issues a compelling summons for churches to recapture a sending culture, championing the cause of Christ. With clarity and biblical fidelity, Jim charts a course for churches to multiply locally through strategic church planting and local missions, while simultaneously reaching out globally through dynamic engagement in frontier missions. This is a book that will stir your soul, enlarge your perspective, and spur you to joyful obedience as we labor together for the day when God’s glory covers the earth as the waters cover the seas.

Dan Steel

Elder, Magdalen Road Church; Ministry Program Director, Yarnton Manor, Oxford

Jim Essian has served the church beautifully well in writing this short book that packs a huge punch. Founded upon the character of our sending God and his vision for his world, Jim calls us, simply, to join with our God in his sovereign plans. This would be a great book to read for “normal” Christians (like me) who find it all too easy to either lose sight of God’s global rescue plan, or else lose confidence in the part that I can usefully play.

Jonty Allcock

Pastor of Globe Church, London; author of Lost, Hero and Fearless

This is a great book for all of us who are tempted to settle for a comfortable church life. We will catch a fresh excitement for our majestic mission and will be stirred up to see the part we can play.

Customer reviews

Jan. 9, 2025

“Insightful & Inspiring!”

From sweeping panoramas of international missions to practical advice for serving our local communities, Send is an inspiring and insightful introduction to church planting.

While its focus on church planting might cause some readers to decide Send is not for them, Essian points out that planting demands whole-church involvement even from its earliest stages. It requires the participation and gifts of the whole body of believers. Some leaders are specifically called to be boots-on-the-ground planters, but church plants also depend upon the generous support of core members, givers, and volunteers.

“First, your neighbor to the right of you, as well as the one to your left, is not there by accident. God has orchestrated 10,000 things for them to be there, ‘that they should seek God’ (v 27). Second, where you are and when you are there is also purposed by God. Thus, in fact, you are sent wherever you are.” (Essian, Send, p. 74).

Send is concise and accessible. Essian drives home deep truths with a relatable tone and memorable illustrations.

This book is structured simply, moving from the cosmic scope of God’s mission in the world to a focused consideration of how our individual churches and gifts fit into this mission. It is helpful reading for any ministry leaders or active laypeople, whether or not they are actively involved in church planting at the moment.

Send proved especially timely reading for me since my home church (where my husband is a pastor) is experiencing its own “superbloom.” We are growing, and it is astonishing and humbling to see the Spirit at work in our community. People are hearing the gospel. People are digging into the Word. People are asking the question their leaders love to hear: “How can I serve?”

One the whole, Send is a memorable and motivating little book. If you or your church are involved in church planting (or may be in the future), this is an excellent resource to add to your library.

Dec. 5, 2024

“Purpose and Intentionality”

What is the point of church plants today? In Send, Jim Essian challenges readers to engage in God’s mission through three key actions: praying, giving, and going. The book begins with a compelling vision for the glory of God and the urgent need for believers to actively participate in spreading the gospel.

Senders and Goers

One of the most powerful insights in Send is Essian’s emphasis on church planting as the primary biblical strategy for gospel expansion. He explains how planting new churches is essential not only to address the growing number of church closures but also to keep up with population growth and cultural shifts. Church plants are uniquely positioned to reach people in a rapidly changing society, contextualizing the gospel in ways that established churches often cannot.

Essian also makes a helpful distinction between “senders” (those who stay and support the church) and “goers” (those called to plant new churches or go to unreached areas). This distinction encourages readers to reflect on their own role in God’s mission and how they can contribute with their unique gifts.

Purpose and Intentionality

The book concludes with a thoughtful exploration of spiritual gifts and “gospel goodbyes.” Essian highlights how understanding our gifts can help us find our place in God’s mission. I thought how technology allows us to encourage those who leave a church while also welcoming newcomers—a timely reminder of the opportunities for connection in our digital age.

In the end, Send left me challenged to pray for revival and dream bigger for God’s glory. I was reminded of the importance of being ready to serve wherever God calls and to be a faithful team player in His mission. This book is an inspiring call to action for anyone seeking to live out their faith with purpose and intentionality.

I received a media copy of Send and this is my honest review.

Nov. 2, 2024

“Practical ways to live a sent life”

I thought this book was great for helping one to think of living in a sent way. The book discusses many ways in which you can live your life in a way that reflects the importance of the Gospel.
When discussing Church planting, Essian highlights the importance of being generous and not having a scarcity mindset. This is such an important point to remember, knowing that God will provide and we don’t have to hoard resources or be scared to ‘lose’ people but instead can have a missional culture built from the beginning. This abundance versus scarcity mindset comes up in other chapters of the book and is a great reminder each time.
A quote I loved was “where you are is where God sent you.” In books or conversations around sending, it can be easy to focus on going away and having an impact elsewhere. For some that is the case, but for many God is calling us to reach our neighbors now in our neighborhoods and workplaces. So I am a fan of the way this book highlights being sent where we are and having a local focus. Essian presents practical ways in which we can have a local impact.
The final thing I’ll highlight from this book is how Essian focuses and encourages the reader to start with prayer. It is clear from this book that prayer is important, foundational and not something to be overlooked when doing ministry.
Overall I think this book is well written and provides a great lens to view living a sent life through while providing practical steps to take.

Oct. 22, 2024

“Great read!”

I am really enjoying the love your church series, and this book is no exception. It’s a great read, that helps equip Christians in sharing the gospel. Very encouraging.

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Send | Jim Essian, Joby Martin |